R v JB  – September 2022 – Bromley Magistrates Court

The client was charged with being in possession of offensive weapons in a private place.

The Crown described both knives as “zombie knives”, the possession of which in a private place (the client’s home) is prohibited by section 141 (1A) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 as amended by section 46 of the Offensive Weapons Act 2019. The Defence drafted representations submitting that neither of the knives met the statutory definition of a “zombie knife”. The representations were successful resulting in the case being discontinued before trial.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R v MC – December 2022 – Wood Green Crown Court

The client was accused of being in possession of an offensive weapon
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R v AM – Woolwich CC – November 2023

Vulnerable client charged with allowing a child to suffer serious physical harm
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R v Youth Defendant – October 2022 – Bromley Youth Court

Client was sentenced for an offence of attempted section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm and possession of a bladed article.
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R v JB  – September 2022 – Bromley Magistrates Court

The client was charged with being in possession of offensive weapons in a private place.
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Youth Defendant – Pre Charge Work – July 2022

Lengthy representations pre-charge resulting in an 11 year old youth being diverted away from the Youth Justice System.
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R v SS – January 2022 – Inner London Crown Court

Client was charged with Section 18 GBH and possession of knife.
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