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HMRC Tax Investigations Solicitors: Delivering the Highest Quality Strategic Legal Advice

Murray Hughman provide expert and professional advice, support and representation to individuals, companies and trusts facing HMRC investigation or prosecution.

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HMRC Tax Investigations Solicitors 

Tax fraud is the deliberate evasion of paying taxes made by individuals, companies and trusts. This illegal activity typically involves taxpayers deliberately being dishonest about tax reporting in order to pay less tax. The evasion of taxes might be carried out in one of several ways, including declaring less income than a person or organisation has actually earned, overstating deductions or declaring less profits or gains. 

HMRC will in the majority of cases use the civil investigation procedure and reserves criminal investigations for the most serious cases or where a prosecution is deemed to be required as a deterrent. 

There are various circumstances in which HMRC will consider a criminal rather than civil investigation including where: 

  • there is evidence of VAT, Carousel or MTIC fraud. 
  • there is use of false or forged documents; 
  • there are previous convictions of tax evasion or avoidance or previous civil actions; 
  • there is evidence of suspected money laundering; 
  • materially false statements or documents are given in a civil investigation; 
  • it suspects deliberate concealment, deception, conspiracy or corruption; 
  • a company’s liquidation appears suspicious; 
  • importation or exportation in breach of prohibitions and restrictions has occurred; or 
  • a Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF) is offered but rejected or the information disclosed is incorrect; 

Our team of HMRC tax investigations solicitors can advise upon all aspects of HMRC criminal investigations and HMRC prosecutions, and the surrounding issues that may arise from arrests, interviews, as well as settlements, plea deals and powers of seizure and forfeiture under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.  

Contact Us for a Confidential Consultation

If you or a loved one require advice, support or representation regarding HMRC tax investigations, don’t hesitate to reach out to our HMRC tax investigations solicitors. Our experienced team is here to provide the robust defence you need to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and let us begin fighting for your future.

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Recent Financial Cases


R – v – S – Guildford Crown Court – 2023

Application by the Prosecution under s22 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to increase the realisable assets of S, who had been convicted of the index offence some 10 years previously.
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R – v – GK – Southwark Crown Court – 2022

GK was charged with one other in cheating the public to the sum of £5.4 million.
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R v MR & PR – Nottingham Crown Court – 2016 (Money Laundering and conspiracy)

Ongoing proceedings for Conspiracy to Defraud and Money Laundering involving 16 defendants and in excess of 20,000 pages of evidence.
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R v MR – Blackfriars Crown Court – 2016 ( Money laundering )

This was a case where the first Defendant was represented. He was a businessman, in a multi-handed high value alleged money laundering conspiracy.
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R v B AL – Southwark Crown Court – 2013 ( Fraud and conspiracy )

This was a case involving fraud and conspiracy to cheat the Revenue – The defendant was charged with defrauding HMRC by claiming Film Tax Credits and VAT for the making of a feature film “Landscape of Lies”.
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