R v BB at Kingston Crown Court

Melissa Ansah and Alexandra Monaghan of Crucible Chambers represented a 35 year old client for section 18 GBH, during which a knife was used to cause facial injuries to the complainant.

This facts of this case pointed to a Category 1A on the sentencing guidelines and indeed this was where the Crown placed it, giving the case a starting point of 12 years and a range of 10 to 16 years. The client was advised prior to PTPH and pleaded guilty. Ultimately, due to careful and thorough preparation, the sentence that our client received was 4 years 3 months.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R v MC – December 2022 – Wood Green Crown Court

The client was accused of being in possession of an offensive weapon
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R v AM – Woolwich CC – November 2023

Vulnerable client charged with allowing a child to suffer serious physical harm
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R v Youth Defendant – October 2022 – Bromley Youth Court

Client was sentenced for an offence of attempted section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm and possession of a bladed article.
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R v JB  – September 2022 – Bromley Magistrates Court

The client was charged with being in possession of offensive weapons in a private place.
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Youth Defendant – Pre Charge Work – July 2022

Lengthy representations pre-charge resulting in an 11 year old youth being diverted away from the Youth Justice System.
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R v SS – January 2022 – Inner London Crown Court

Client was charged with Section 18 GBH and possession of knife.
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