R v C Inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, attempting to arrange the commission of a child sex and sexual communication with a child at Northampton Crown Court – 2023

The client was an adult male who had been communicating with a 15-year-old girl via telephone and social media with a view to meeting to engage in sexual intercourse.

The client lied to the complainant about his age and the messaging was said to be aggressive and violent, peppered with requests for indecent images and requests to meet to fulfil depraved activities including for her to “gag on his penis, rape her, cover her in bruises and cuts, urinate on her, strangle her and carve words on her body with a knife including the word ‘whore’”. Videos and images were also exchanged between the parties and preparations were said to have been made for a physical meeting. The client had made full admissions in interview and would enter guilty pleas.

The Prosecution submitted the offending behaviour amounted to a category 1A offence with a starting point at sentence of 5 years custody with a range of 4-10 years imprisonment.

Andy instructed a psychiatrist to examine his clients who he found to have significant traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and mental health difficulties. Other significant mitigation was also utilised.

Despite the fact that the totality of the offending passed the custody threshold the Court were persuaded that the sentence should in this unusual case be exceptionally suspended and a suspended sentence was passed of 24 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months.

Neelam Gomersall of 2 Hare Court Chambers was instructed Counsel.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R v B Historic sex offences with a girl under 13 at Woolwich Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed to act on behalf of is client who is alleged to have engaged in sexual intercourse with a child (a neighbour) under the age of 13 years on the early 1970s.
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R v L – Historic and recent sexual assault at Harrow Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed to act on behalf of his client who faces allegations of sexual assault, both historic and recent from three complainants.
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R v K – Sexual Assault at Southwark Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed to represent a Harley Street doctor who faces re-trial in relation to 8 counts of sexual assault against an office administrator after the Jury were discharged at the original trial.
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R v M – Rape, false imprisonment, sexual assault at Inner London Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed to act on behalf of his client who faces a re-trial this year in relation to a ‘stranger’ rape allegation
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Historic Sexual abuse – No Further Action – No Charges brought – 2023

Andy was instructed in a sensitive and complex case by a grandparent who was alleged to have committed offences of sexual assault by penetration against a grandchild over a decade prior, when the complainant was still a child.
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R v H – Historic child sexual abuse at Guildford Crown Court – 2023

Andy was instructed to act for his client at his re-trial in relation to historic sexual abuse allegations, including sexual assault and assault by penetration made against him by his stepdaughter. The abuse was alleged to have taken place when the complainant was aged 11-13 years old.
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