R v M & Ors – 2011 & 2012- (Operation Vara) (Fraud)

Lead Junior Defending. Successfully defended a man accused of evasion of import Duty and VAT on gold jewellery.

Over £8 million evasion involving an international investigation which moved from the UK to Europe, on to India and Dubai.

This was a case involving a conspiracy to evade import duty and VAT payable on the importation of gold jewellery. In total over £8 million was said to have been evaded. Mr Martin was led in this case by Mr Leon Kazakos and represented a defendant accused of being one of the men responsible for importing the gold Jewellery from Dubai into Frankfurt. The fraud involved the handover of the gold to another member of the conspiracy who would then import into the UK passing off the import as intra-EU trade and therefore VAT exempt. Some of these activities were observed by a covert intelligence unit of the German Police. The case involved complex VAT legal questions as well as jurisdictional issues.

Following 4 Trials the defendant was acquitted of all charges.

Leon Kazakos (2 Hare Court) and James Martin (5 Kings Bench Walk) instructed Counsel.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R – v – S – Guildford Crown Court – 2023

Application by the Prosecution under s22 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to increase the realisable assets of S, who had been convicted of the index offence some 10 years previously.
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R – v – GK – Southwark Crown Court – 2022

GK was charged with one other in cheating the public to the sum of £5.4 million.
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R v MR & PR – Nottingham Crown Court – 2016 (Money Laundering and conspiracy)

Ongoing proceedings for Conspiracy to Defraud and Money Laundering involving 16 defendants and in excess of 20,000 pages of evidence.
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R v MR – Blackfriars Crown Court – 2016 ( Money laundering )

This was a case where the first Defendant was represented. He was a businessman, in a multi-handed high value alleged money laundering conspiracy.
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R v B AL – Southwark Crown Court – 2013 ( Fraud and conspiracy )

This was a case involving fraud and conspiracy to cheat the Revenue – The defendant was charged with defrauding HMRC by claiming Film Tax Credits and VAT for the making of a feature film “Landscape of Lies”.
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