R v JM – Central Criminal Court – 2013 (Murder)

Defendant charged with murdering his former partner and mother of his child.

He then hid the body in the boot of his car to avoid detection. Following a full trial the Defendant was acquitted of murder. Orlando Pownall KC (2 Hare Court) and Charles Langley (2 Bedford Row) instructed Counsel.

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Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R v TH – December 2021 – Central Criminal Court

The Defendant was charged with Death by Dangerous Driving.
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R v Calvin Lopoua (2021)

Youth Defendant charged as part of a multi-handed murder, acquitted of murder, convicted of manslaughter;
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R v Youth Defendant – November 2021 – Central Criminal Court

Representing the only youth defendant in a multi-handed revenge attempted murder.
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R v JG – July 2021 – Snaresbrook Crown Court

Conspiracy to Murder.
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R – v – NJ – Woolwich Crown Court – 2021

Represented youth charged with joint enterprise murder involving a sawn off shotgun.
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R v EM – Hove Crown Court – 2014 (Murder)

Defendant charged with shooting a rival on a busy Brighton Street.
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