R v BM Conspire to Possess a Firearm and Ammunition at Snaresbrook Crown Court – 2022

Allegations of conspiring to possess a firearm and ammunition.

The case involved complex legal argument on the admissibility of gang evidence (which included drill music). The Crown submitted that the evidence provided important context and served to rebut the defence of innocent association with the co-defendant, who was found in possession of a loaded semi-automatic weapon. The client was acquitted.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R-v-F Robbery, Threats with a knife and Bladed Article at Kingston Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed on behalf of his client F, a reality TV Star, who was accused of attempting to rob a man in an alleyway and threatening security staff with a knife.
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Rv DJ Assault against an emergency worker at Lewes Crown Court – 2024

Andy was privately instructed to represent DJ who was accused of assaulting a police officer within his own home.
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R v E – ABH and Strangulation at Southwark Crown Court – 2024

Andy is instructed to act on behalf of his client, a city professional, who awaits Trial in respect of two offences of strangulation and ABH
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R v AM – Woolwich CC – November 2023

Vulnerable client charged with allowing a child to suffer serious physical harm
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S18 GBH with intent – No Further Action – No Charges brought – 2023

Andy was instructed on behalf of his client who was accused of causing GBH with intent. The evidence against his client, at first sight, appeared on the face of it to be strong.
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R v D&J – ABH at Inner London Crown Court – 2023

Andy was instructed on behalf of two family members, D and J who were each alleged to have caused ABH injures to the complainant.
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