Peter Hughman

Peter Hughman is recognised as a leader in the field of criminal law.

He specialises in the highest level of criminal litigation, with particular expertise in complex white collar crime and serious drug cases. He has won a series of high profile cases where the client’s previous defence team advised there was no prospect of success. He has extensive experience in defending cases brought by the Serious Fraud Office, the Financial Conduct Authority (formerly the FSA), and the National Crime Agency (formerly SOCA).

Until recently he was a Senior Partner of Hughmans Solicitors LLP, a London firm, trading with an excellent reputation for over 40 years.
He joined Murrays in 2020 as a Consultant Solicitor.

Peter is a published author (Just How Just? (Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd) and Most Unnatural: An Enquiry into the Stafford Case (Penguin) and is regularly asked to contribute to a range of criminal law and related matters, including the BBC’s Panorama.

Notable cases:

  • Leading appellate cases involving Disclosure, Entrapment, and Abuse of Process.
  • Complex international drug and fraud conspiracies.
  • Insider Trading.
  • Historic sexual abuse allegations made against celebrity defendants.
Peter Hughman

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