Katie fought ruthlessly for this client in confiscation proceedings.

The client was convicted for drug and firearm offences following the discovery of highly sophisticated, underground bunkers in Essex, where a number of firearms including AK47 assault rifles were found. The Crown argued for a benefit figure of £5.6 million, and asserted the client had available assets in the sum of £2.6 million. Katie fiercely challenged the Crown’s case, resulting in a substantially reduced benefit figure of £407,780 and £121,860 in available assets.

Other Relevant Murray Hughman Cases


R – v – S – Guildford Crown Court – 2023

Application by the Prosecution under s22 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to increase the realisable assets of S, who had been convicted of the index offence some 10 years previously.
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R – v – GK – Southwark Crown Court – 2022

GK was charged with one other in cheating the public to the sum of £5.4 million.
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R v MR & PR – Nottingham Crown Court – 2016 (Money Laundering and conspiracy)

Ongoing proceedings for Conspiracy to Defraud and Money Laundering involving 16 defendants and in excess of 20,000 pages of evidence.
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R v MR – Blackfriars Crown Court – 2016 ( Money laundering )

This was a case where the first Defendant was represented. He was a businessman, in a multi-handed high value alleged money laundering conspiracy.
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R v B AL – Southwark Crown Court – 2013 ( Fraud and conspiracy )

This was a case involving fraud and conspiracy to cheat the Revenue – The defendant was charged with defrauding HMRC by claiming Film Tax Credits and VAT for the making of a feature film “Landscape of Lies”.
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