Criminal damage – No Further Action, No charges brought and successful application to Criminal Records Office for Police National Computer and arrest record to be deleted – 2024
Andy’s client was arrested for criminal damage and for being drunk and disorderly, the allegation was that his client was intoxicated whilst in a taxi and had refused to pay the fare and caused damage to the interior of the taxi.
She was arrested having been driven to a police station when she appeared intoxicated and disorderly to officers. Our client’s defence was that the fare had been paid and she had only disputed the amount as it appeared excessively high, whereupon the taxi driver locked her in the taxi and driven at speed aggressively and recklessly through the streets late at night. Fearing she had been kidnapped and suffering a panic attack as a result of a long-standing anxiety condition, she used force to try to flee the taxi. Her actions were therefore reasonable. Whilst she had been drinking her emotional state upon being confronted by police was as a result of the ordeal she had been put through and not disorderly behaviour. Andy was able to obtain text messages, proof of payment, witness details and evidence from TFL confirming the guidance that Taxi drivers should not lock passengers inside of their vehicle and confirmation of her anxiety issues. In light of the evidence obtained Police took no further action against our client.
Despite No further action being taken a record of the client’s arrest would be held by Police in accordance with National Police and Home Office guidelines. Andy made a formal application to the criminal records office (ACRO) together with detailed grounds in respect of his client’s eligibility for consideration of the deletion of her PNC and arrest records. The grounds included that his client’s status at the time of arrest was not clear, that no crime had been committed and that it was not in the public interest to retain those records. Having considered the application ACRO agreed to delete our client’s PNC and Arrest record.